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Admissions information

Admissions and enrolment to Waterhead Academy, part of the South Pennine Academies.

Applications for Year 6 students going into Year 7 should be made through the Oldham Council, School Admissions Department.

For further information on this admission process please contact Oldham Council Admissions on 0161 770 4213 or visit http://www.oldham.gov.uk/admissions.

Oldham Council Admissions Poster

Further information relating to school criteria can be found in our Admissions Policies. 

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

In year admissions Year 7-11 (In Year Transfer): If you wish to transfer your child to Waterhead Academy you must complete an In Year Transfer Form which can be obtained from school or from the Local Authority. Once this form has been completed, please return to the Local Authority. Please note, if an offer of a place is made and induction to the Academy is confirmed, students will only be admitted to the Academy at the start of a new term (January/April/September), unless there are exceptional circumstances e.g your child has an EHC plan or they are a looked after child.

Admission Arrangements

Waterhead Academy currently has no intention to increase the Planned Admissions Number (PAN). The current PAN is 270 for each year group.

This is reviewed annually. 

Please find below the web link to the appeal dates for allocation appeals.

The link directs the parent to the appeal form and information booklet. https://www.oldham.gov.uk/info/200327/admissions/1139/appeals

For further information regarding In Year Admissions please contact: 

Mrs Alison Taylor - Vice Principal at A.Taylor@waterheadacademy.co.uk


I would just like to say that the communication between school and myself has been fantastic and I cannot thanks staff enough for this, it has made the transition from primary to secondary so much easier. Year 7 student parent