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Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Provision at Waterhead Academy

In June 2017, Waterhead Academy achieved the then-named CEIAG Quality Award “Inspiring IAG”, which recognised the” positive outcomes for students along with the vision and commitment at senior leadership and the positive role of governors in relation to CEIAG provision.”

In July 2020, Waterhead Academy was assessed and reaccredited using the revised framework for what had then become the single national award, the Quality in Careers Standard through the Licensed Awarding Body – Positive Steps (Inspiring IAG). Comments from the Assessor included:

  • “Strong committed and motivated Careers Leader who continues to strive for the best provision for the students whilst ensuring adherence to statutory requirements. Commitment from everyone in the school towards holistic, joined up careers provision.
  • Plethora of opportunities for employer encounters for students both within the career’s curriculum and within the wider subject area.
  • Impressive progress around identifying and encouraging recognition of CEIAG across the curriculum.
  • Sound working partnership with Positive Steps including adviser with a very good relationship at the school and whose role is well understood by staff, students and parents.”

Furthermore, the most recent Waterhead Academy OFSTED report identified CEIAG provision as a strength of the Academy:

  • Leadership of CEIAG is strong. During their time in school, students benefit from a very effective CEIAG programme that comprises a range of events, speakers and visits, as well as help and guidance for individual pupils. This contributes to the high proportion of pupils who progress to further education, training or employment.

The 2023 Greater Manchester Combined Authority; Leaders Report also highlighted the following CEIAG strengths of the Academy;

  • 100% compliance across all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
  • Full support from the outset to the development of the Community of Practice including as Cluster Lead (Mr N. Wilson).
  • Development of a progressive careers education programme that is embedded throughout school and which is regularly evaluated by all stakeholders.
  • Students are benefiting from multiple employer encounters, both virtual and face to face, and experiences of the workplace which are at the heart of a progressive careers programme that builds on year on year. Mrs Scanlan is constantly seeking to improve this, develop links and provide the best possible opportunities for your students.

The outcomes from the external quality assurance processes further demonstrates the Academy’s commitment to providing outstanding Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) provision to all students. Furthermore, as part of the Bridge GM Careers initiative we work collaboratively with schools throughout Greater Manchester and have also been awarded PIXL Edge School Ambassador status in recognition of the outstanding delivery of the Edge programme. Moreover, Mr Wilson is an appointed Senior Leader in Education (SLE) for Careers Education and supports schools throughout Greater Manchester with reviewing and developing their CEIAG programmes of study and is also the Oldham borough Cluster Lead for CEIAG provision.

The CEIAG team consists of Mrs J Scanlan (CEIAG Lead), Miss Daniela ​Petrillo (Positive Steps Careers adviser), and Mrs Anna Short (Enterprise Adviser). The appointed Personal Development governor incorporating CEIAG responsibility is Helen Stevenson.

Students at Waterhead Academy receive impartial and confidential CEIAG advice and guidance through our Positive Steps careers adviser, Daniela Petrillo.  We encourage parents and carers to be part of their child’s future career aspirations and welcome them to attend their child’s careers appointment. Parents and Carers can contact Daniela Petrillo at the Academy through contacting reception team or via e-mail- d.petrillo@waterheadacademy.co.uk to arrange an appointment at their convenience.

Waterhead Academy is committed to delivering a broad and balanced CEIAG program throughout all year groups. The objectives of the CEIAG programme are to:


  • Provide students with the necessary skills and attributes to enable them to make informed decisions about their preferred post 16 education, training or employment pathways.
  • Ensure that every young person receives a range of CEIAG curriculum opportunities throughout KS3 and KS4.
  • Establish strong and effective links with a range of employers, higher education establishments and training providers.
  • Implement a comprehensive CEIAG strategy that contributes to motivating and raising the aspirations of students.
  • To equip students with the required knowledge and understanding to recognise and challenge stereotyping and encourage them to promote equality and diversity within society.

Careers Education within the Curriculum

The curriculum offer utilises a range of delivery methods incorporating visiting guest speakers, assemblies, bespoke CEIAG workshops, workplace visits and employer led curriculum learning. To facilitate the most appropriate CEIAG presentations all students complete a careers sector analysis review at the beginning of each academic year to identify their preferred areas of interest. The breadth of the curriculum offer ensures maximum impact and is of most benefit to the young people who attend the Academy. All CEIAG student experiences are recorded and analysed through the CEIAG spread-sheet tracker that underpins each individual student’s progress in relation to them achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Throughout KS3 and KS4 students study a bespoke programme of Careers education in conjunction with the PSHCCE curriculum.

By the end of Key Stage 3, all students will have;

  • A clear knowledge and understanding of Waterhead Academy CEAIG values.
  • Undertaken an individual/group meeting with the careers adviser and identified potential future career aspirations.
  • The necessary skills to make informed choices about their preferred GCSE options pathway as they prepare for their Key Stage Four programme of study.

By the end of Key Stage 4, all students will have:

  • The necessary skills to enable them to make informed decisions about their future post-16 education or employment pathway.
  • Accessed a range of resources and opportunities to investigate future choices and explore alternative routes to achieving their career goals.
  • Received independent advice and guidance to help and support them to apply for their preferred post-16 education or employment pathway and if necessary financial support.
  • Completed a mock interview, letter of application, CV and a comprehensive CEIAG programme of study to equip them with key employability skills.

Careers Events

Students at Waterhead Academy are provided with the opportunity to participate in a range of careers based activities to enhance their future career aspirations. These include;

  • Presentations from external speakers from a range of occupations and professions.
  • Opportunities to attend a range of local college taster days and apprenticeship fairs.
  • Mock interviews and CV workshops delivered by Waterhead Academy staff in conjunction with our external employment and educational partners.
  • Opportunities along with their parents/carers to meet and discuss future career aspirations with external providers during year 8-11 parent’s evenings.

Monitoring and Review

The CEIAG policy and related published information will be reviewed annually to assess the quality and appropriateness of provision. Reviews will include a range of evidence, such as student/staff voice, parental/carer surveys, work scrutiny and a report to the Academy governing body. The next annual review is scheduled to take place during January 2023.

CEIAG Contact Details

If you require any further information relating to CEIAG provision at the Academy please contact Mr Wilson, Assistant Principal-Personal Development  through the below options;

E-Mail Address: J.Scanlan@waterheadacademy.co.uk

Postal Address: Mrs J Scanlan, Waterhead Academy Huddersfield Road, Oldham, OL4 3NY.

Telephone: 0161-620-5859