Summer 2024
GCSE Results Day - Thursday 22nd August 2024 9:00 - 10:30
We look forward to welcoming you on results day, please find the arrangement for the day below.
Pupils are to enter the Academy through reception, where you can then make your way into the Main Hall. After collecting your results, you may stay and speak to staff in the main hall; post 16 advice will be available from Ms Petrillo, careers advisor and Mrs K Connelly, Head of Year 11. There will also be photo opportunities in the main hall area.
Click here to open the letter for details about the day.
Kooth exam results day support brochure
Kooth Support Pack for finishing school
Kooth emotional support poster
Exams Team
Mrs K Connelly - Head of Year 11
Mrs K Connelly - Examinations and Educational Visits Manager
Invigilators and Readers
Self Certification Form
Information for Candidates Coursework Assessments
Information for Candidates Non Examination Assessments
Information for Candidates Privacy Notice
Information for Candidates Social Media
Information for Candidates Written Examinations
Ofqual Coping with Exam Pressure a guide for students
Useful links for revision can be found here
Frequently Asked Questions?
How can I find out the dates and time for my child’s exams?
All students have received a timetable. You can also see an exam timetable on the school website. Alternatively, you can contact the Year Team or Examinations Officer.
What do students need to bring to every exam?
Every student needs a clear pencil case containing: black pens, pencils, eraser. The school will provide a protractor, compass and calculator for use for each exam.
What can students take into exams?
Water in a clear bottle (the label must be removed)
Equipment needed for the exam (listed above)
What must students NOT take into the exam room?
Music players
Air pods, ear phones
Notes or any paper (including timetable)
Drinks other than water
Water bottles that aren’t clear
It is very important that mobile phones are never taken into the exam room even if switched off. This is considered malpractice and has to be reported to the exam boards with the risk of disqualification.
What should I do if my son/daughter feels unwell?
There will not be another opportunity to sit the exam and so wherever possible students should attend the examination. Any absence for illness will require a medical note from a GP. In an emergency, please contact the attendance team as early as possible or ask to speak to the Examinations Officer.