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Destiny Africa

The Destiny Africa Choir attended the academy on Monday 9th December. The young people are on their final performances of The Children Of The Light tour in the UK and we felt privileged to be included in this tour.  

Students at the academy spent two weeks learning all about the Kampala Children's Centre in Uganda and gaining an understanding of the journey of the performers who they were going to meet. Fundraising with bake sales and ticket sales led to a fantastic £1100 being raised to support the work of the children's centre. 

During the day students were exposed to the amazing talents of the choir through an assembly and in the evening they performed again to a packed audience of students and their families. 

The Children of The Light certainly brought the light to the academy community sharing their journey, their dreams and ambitions and in the case of some of the adult performers sharing their successes in education. 

We are truly grateful for their visit and the impact they had on all  those they performed to.

To learn more about the work of the Kampala Children's Centre and The destiny Africa Choir please visit www.destinyafrica.org

Destiny Afirca