Positive discipline and Student Planner
Our philosophy at Waterhead Academy is absolutely clear; we insist on high standards of behaviour, appearance, work ethic and respect for all to enable our staff to teach our students well so they learn to the best of their ability and leave the Academy with a first-class education.
When it comes to discipline, we have a traditional approach based upon a very clear set of consequences for unacceptable behaviour that interferes with good order in the Academy. We firmly believe that exceptional behaviour in the classroom is essential for outstanding learning and teaching to take place. Central to the philosophy of our new Positive Discipline Policy is the promotion of high expectations with encouragement and to uphold our 3 core values of Respect, Ambition and Determination.
At Waterhead we also believe in encouraging, rewarding, and reinforcing good behaviour in students, inside and outside the classroom. It is about setting an example of mutual respect within an atmosphere where courtesy and positivity are the norm, and deviations from that are dealt with in a professional and calm manner. Collectively as staff, we aim to provide an atmosphere where praise far outweighs sanctions in any classroom.
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