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Principal's welcome

We would like to warmly welcome you to our website which provides us with the platform to showcase the academy.

The website will also provide you with all the latest statutory information required by the government. We hope that this website will give you some insight into the way we work and what we offer.

As the Principal, it is a privilege to lead this school and work with committed students, staff, parent/carers and governors. As a parent myself, with children currently in school, I fully understand that choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. I hope the information contained here will provide you provide you with the key information that you need to help make this decision.

Why choose Waterhead Academy?

Waterhead Academy offer a high standard of education, has excellent facilities, and is a truly inclusive school which welcomes students of all abilities to a safe, stimulating and challenging learning environment where students are central to everything we do as an academy.

We look forward to working with all key stakeholders to provide a high-quality education for our students both within the classroom and beyond so that students can achieve the very best academic and wider outcomes and can ultimately achieve their ambitions.

Our dedicated, enthusiastic and talented staff are ambitious for all of our students and make certain every child in their care has the best possible opportunities to succeed, whatever their starting point, as we firmly believe it’s our mission to ensure our students strive for the highest standards both academically and socially to enable them to compete in an increasingly competitive world.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced, and we ensure all of our students follow a rigorous, ambitious and challenging curriculum that is designed to prepare them to participate in what is a fast changing and demanding world. Our intention is that our students will follow a curriculum that enables them to excel and exceed at what they thought possible as well as being given the opportunities to explore the world around them locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Our personal development offer provides our students with a rich education that prepares our students for life beyond school.

We firmly believe that exceptional behaviour in the classroom is essential for high quality learning and teaching to take place. We insist on high standards of behaviour, appearance, work ethic and respect for all to enable our staff to teach our students well so they learn to the best of their ability and leave the Academy with a first-class education. When it comes to discipline, we have a traditional approach based upon a very clear set of consequences for unacceptable behaviour that interferes with good order in the Academy. We firmly believe that exceptional behaviour in the classroom is essential for outstanding learning and teaching to take place. 

It is our vision and mission to create a positive school ethos and environment based on high expectations, strong relationships and a culture of ambition and mutual respect to enable our students to achieve their “passports to success.”

At Waterhead we also believe in encouraging, rewarding, and reinforcing good behaviour in students, both inside and outside the classroom. It is about setting an example of mutual respect within an atmosphere where courtesy and positivity are the norm.

We really value the support and views of our parent/carers and aim to work in partnership with them so that their children/ our students can achieve their very best and get the most out of their time at school. Support around promoting high standards of attendance, punctuality, uniform, behaviour and equipment help ensure that students are ready to engage positively in their learning when they arrive at school.

We hope our website gives you an insight into the high-quality educational experience we provide. Should you want to find out more and want to arrange to speak to someone or arrange a visit please contact the office at office@waterheadacademy.co.uk

Mr J Wilson
