SEND Offer
Waterhead Academy is fully inclusive and welcomes all students with a wide range of Special Educational Needs. Steps are taken to ensure that children and young people are treated with fairness and equality, supported and encouraged to achieve their potential. Students identified as having a Special Educational Need have the same access to Quality First teaching, enrichment opportunities, educational visits and trips. All children and young people have an entitlement to participate and enjoy activities and learning experiences outside of the classroom. The Academy supports students in all phases of their education with personal centred transition packages.
All students receive a creative, varied yet balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs so that they can learn and make at least good progress. They are assessed using appropriate assessment tools and guidelines. All students have equal access to resources, provision and interventions as needed.
In addition, we also provide for those with additional needs/SEND through provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age. This means provision that goes beyond the work which is matched to need and learning arrangements normally provided as part of high quality, personalised teaching. It may take the form of additional support from the teacher or require involvement of specialist staff (Teaching Assistants or SEN Teacher) or external support services.
Our Academy has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) who is responsible for the management of provision and support for identified pupils with SEND. The SEND team also trains, supports teachers and other staff to enable them to provide appropriate assessment and focussed provision for children in their class with SEND. All teachers are teachers of SEND students and as such provide quality first teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of students with SEN within the classroom.
If you require any further information please contact our SENDCO:
SENDCO Details:
Miss C Swindells
0161 620 5859 or email:
Click to view Oldham Council's Reports, strategies, values, codes of practice (SEND)
Link to POINT (Parents of Oldham In Touch)
Links to SENDIASS Service - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information, Advice Support Service (IASS)
SEND Links to other useful resources
Northwest SEND Monthly Newsletter
Point of contact - Gerri Barry/Jean Reid:
Councils SEND Local Offer: