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South Pennine Academies


·         To develop a group of closely partnered academies

·         To ensure all academies are world class Centres of Excellence for Teaching and Learning
·         To ensure the Trust plays a pivotal role in improving the life chances of students
·         To develop local solutions and partnerships to meet local needs
·         To promote school improvement with inclusion and diversity at its core
South Pennine Academies believes in school improvement through a partnership model. This brings drive, expertise and capacity to the school improvement agenda.  We recognize and encourage each academy’s unique characteristics and ethos, reinforcing their individual identities within their respective communities. 
Working within a multi academy trust allows school to school support to flourish. Becoming part of our partnership will allow you to become a leader not a follower and be involved in shaping the partnership rather than having it shaped for you.
Key Priorities
·         Strong and Effective Leaders
·         High Performing Staff
·         Successful Students
·         Engaged Community

Trust and  Governance  Contacts

The Chair of the Local Academy Board (LAB)

Mrs Helen Stevenson


Or write to Mr Middleton care of the school. 

Chair of Trustees: Mr Mick Kay.

South Pennine Academies Business and Training Centre
The Gateway, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park,
Elland, HX5 9DX

CEO: Ms Lynda Johnson 

South Pennine Academies Business and Training Centre
The Gateway, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park,
Elland, HX5 9DX

Email Contact for Chair of Trustees and CEO: office@spacademies.org 

Chair of Governors’ correspondence address: 

Registered name of the Academy Trust: South Pennines Academies

Part of UK where it is registered: England & Wales

Registered address of Academy Trust:  

South Pennine Academies Business and Training Centre
The Gateway, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park,
Elland, HX5 9DX

Registered company number: No. 07599308

The MAT is a charitable limited company

Trust Partners

Waterhead Academy