South Pennine Academies
· To develop a group of closely partnered academies
Trust and Governance Contacts
The Chair of the Local Academy Board (LAB)
Mrs Helen Stevenson
Or write to Mr Middleton care of the school.
Chair of Trustees: Mr Mick Kay.
South Pennine Academies Business and Training Centre
The Gateway, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park,
Elland, HX5 9DX
CEO: Ms Lynda Johnson
South Pennine Academies Business and Training Centre
The Gateway, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park,
Elland, HX5 9DX
Email Contact for Chair of Trustees and CEO:
Chair of Governors’ correspondence address:
Registered name of the Academy Trust: South Pennines Academies
Part of UK where it is registered: England & Wales
Registered address of Academy Trust:
South Pennine Academies Business and Training Centre
The Gateway, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park,
Elland, HX5 9DX
Registered company number: No. 07599308
The MAT is a charitable limited company
Trust Partners