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Student Leadership

Waterhead Academy is a community in which students are fully integrated in student leadership roles that support the work of the Academy and the wider community, whilst at the same time developing their leadership skills and preparing them for the next stage of their education, training or employment.

Students will develop leadership skills through a variety of opportunities which impact positively within school on teaching, learning and well-being for both students and staff, as well contributing to our local community.

Our new Senior Student Team for 2024-25



Alliyha and Sara


Head Girl

Head Boy Deputy Head Girls Deputy Head Boy


Student Leadership

Waterhead Academy is a community in which students are fully integrated in student leadership roles that support the work of the Academy and the wider community.

Students will develop leadership skills through a variety of opportunities which impact positively within school on teaching, learning and well-being for both students and staff, as well contributing to our local community.

Student Leadership Opportunities

Year 7-11 Leadership Teams

Members of the appointed student leadership teams apply through completing an application form and undertaking a formal interview process. Successful applicants must demonstrate exemplary behaviour and model the Academy core values to their peers.  Student leaders undergo leadership training, support at key events and have additional school duties. Head’s of Year and appointed subject members of staff oversee their respective year group Leadership and Ambassador teams.

House Captains

House captains are required to play an integral role in the organisation and officiating of competitions, they must demonstrate leadership qualities through recruiting students from their respective houses to participate in events as well as being a role model to their fellow peers through modelling the Academy core values.

Subject Ambassadors

Subject Ambassadors are students who show a flair, apparent 'natural ability' and/or commitment to a particular subject in school. They are those who are likely to read around the subject and find opportunities to learn about elements of the subject independently. As a subject ambassador you will also contribute to your appointed department through participating in activities such as open evenings, transition days, student voice and interview panels.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) Ambassadors

Our DEI Ambassadors play an integral role in promoting and celebrating diversity within our Academy. The DEI Ambassadors meet on a regular a basis to plan and implement a range of initiatives to promote and celebrate diversity within our Academy. 

Sports Leaders

These students will be selected by the PE department based on effort, participation and commitment to sport. Sports Leaders will assist members of the PE team through a range of ways including notifying their peers of sports fixtures, organising and officiating house competitions, leading warm ups and cool downs during lessons as well as the promotion of enrichment opportunities available to students within the PE department.

Arts Council Ambassadors

Our Arts Council will play an integral role in planning and facilitating a range of Performing Arts initiatives at the Academy. The Arts Council will showcase their work through assisting with planning and implementing Academy shows, performing in assemblies and participating in a range of community initiatives. 

St John Ambulance-NHS Cadets

Waterhead Academy became the first school nationally to officially establish its own individual St John Ambulance NHS Cadet unit. Students study a range of modules related to emergency first aid, team-work and community engagement.  Successful completion of the course results in the awarding of the NHS Cadet Foundation Pathway Award, with students having the opportunity to progress onto the Advanced Pathway Award when they leave school in year 11.